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Frequently Asked Questions




What is cash gifting?


Cash gifting is a concept embraced by private groups of individuals and has been in existence for many years. Our activity is private and does not involve network marketing, multi-level marketing, or a business or commercial activity. There are no business transactions, investments and/or securities involved in this activity.

The concept of private gifting is based upon the fact that both American and Canadian citizens as well as other countries, have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash and other assets, and are subject to the rules and regulations established by the laws. The U.S. gifting rules are found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.

The law states that one or more individuals can give a gift to another individual of up to $12,000 each per calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver or receiver of the gift, because the tax on the gift has already been paid. These gifts are not included in the gross income of the recipient.


Is cash gifting legal?


Absolutely. People from around the world have participated in organized gifting for over 300 years, including churches and civic groups. Laws state that it is legal for individuals to exchange gifts.In the United States we have the Preamble, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect a private citizen's rights to earn, pay taxes and give away property and cash as long as it is done according to the laws and codes of this country.


This might be the most important question on your mind, especially if you're finding out about cash gifting for the first time. Because of its amazing potential to create incredible wealth, this is certainly the first thing I wanted to know because I have absolutely no interest in getting into any sort of legal hot water; as I'm sure you don't either.So this is what I've found out about cash gifting:


While researching this activity, it's imperative that you keep in mind there's nothing verbal or written that tells us what IS legal, only laws which state what IS NOT legal.

Research online and you'll find there's no governmental or legal documentation stating that cash gifting is illegal. What you'll discover is people expressing their own opinions not based on facts.


Through diligent research and years of experience, I have yet to find anyone who can show me a law, in black and white, stating cash gifting is illegal. As a matter of fact, I learned that both American and Canadian citizens have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash and other assets, as do many other countries.


In the United States we have the Preamble, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect each private citizen's rights to earn, pay taxes and give away property and cash as long as it's done according to the laws and codes of this country. The U.S. gifting rules are found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.

Click here for this document.


In 2008, in the United States of America, the law states that one or more individuals can give a cash gift to another individual of up to $12,000 each per calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver or receiver of the gift, because the tax on the gift has already been paid.


I've also found that most well organized cash gifting programs require each participant to use some form of a Gifting Statement and/or Non-Solicitation Form, which when signed, become binding agreements between two private individuals. It's said, these forms are used to ensure the longevity and legality of a gifting program.


So giving a gift of cash to someone, be it a friend, family member or a stranger, is legal according to IRS codes. Again, there's no specific nation-wide law that I've been able to find to say that cash gifting is not legal.With that being said, it's important to note that not all cash gifting programs may be legal in their structure. Certainly there are some that may not be. Unfortunately, there are still some old school cash gifting programs out there (mostly offline) that weren’t structured properly in order to sustain their efforts for any considerable length of time, and some of them use an illegal pyramidal type of structure.Consequently, many of these types of mostly offline programs in the past were closed by the federal government because of this illegal ever-widening base pyramid structure and gave cash gifting a bad reputation.


However, in recent years, with the creation and development of the linear structure, things have changed and more and more people are benefiting through the use of these types of programs than with any other cash gifting structure in the World.With a no 1 up cash gifting program, there is no qualifying process, no fancy sounding positions to sell, no captain at the top, and there's no ever-widening base to the structure like what is found in a typical illegal pyramid, where only those at the top profit, while those at the bottom never reach the top and invariably lose their money.You are more than welcome to research further if you wish.



There are many people doing cash gifting, why should I join your team?

In all honesty, you should join our team because we mean it when we say we want to see you succeed. I personally spend hours working with people who join me, and that includes the individuals they invite as well. People who join me are provided with every resource necessary for them to be successful.


You're going to also receive a website just like this one customized specifically for you and one-on-one phone and instant messenger support. You can rest assured that you'll be provided with techniques and strategies that actually work and not just busy work as other teams and inviters like to give just to get you off their backs.


Why would anyone want to join a no up cash gifting program?


People make a wise decision to join our no 1 up cash gifting program for two major reasons. (1) There is absolutely no qualification process so brand new participants receive cash instantly, starting with the very first person they invite. (2) The coaching and support we provide is personal, one-on-one and is geared towards real results.

Consequently, the no 1 up cash gifting concept is so powerful, even people participating in a 1 up program will tell you if you join them, they will waive the 1 up just to entice you to send them cash. GO FIGURE!


Is this a pyramid?

Not at all! A pyramid is associated with an investment scheme, a company or a business. We are not a company, just a private sharing club. We have zero sales quotas, we do not sell positions and we do not have an ever-widening base to the structure, which just keeps going and going.


A pyramid never allows anyone coming in on the bottom to ever reach the top. Everyone gives the same gifts, works together in a team and receives the same gift. In a pyramid, only those at the top profit while those at the bottom never reach the top. In a pyramid, people can and have lost their money.

A pyramid is also not to be confused with Network Marketing. Although Network Marketing is a legal and viable source of income, when was the last time you, or anyone you know able to start at the bottom of the company and reach the top position? NEVER! We are neither a networking company nor a pyramid scheme.




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